50+1 Inspiring Bedtime Stories For Kids With Learning Challenges

Giving back to society has been a key driving force behind the mission of GeekyGet. In conjunction with Effect Hopes, BLTN (the founding company of GeekyGet) jointly presents “A Wish For Zander,” a bedtime storybook to inspire children and adults on overcoming their own learning challenges.

 Why is the book created?  

One in five children in the U.S., according to NCLD, have learning and attention issues, such as dyslexia, ADHD, ASD.
Dyslexia: It is estimated 1 in 10 Americans have dyslexia; that equates to around 40 million American children & adults (according to ALS)
ADHD: Around 9.4% of children 2-17 years of age (6.1 million) had ever been diagnosed with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in the U.S. (according to parent report)
ASD: Approximately 1 in every 59 children in the U.S. has been identified with Autism Spectrum Disorder (according to CDC)

How does our book inspire?


The storybook itself is a collaboration of writer and artists who have struggled and overcome their own unique learning challenges … doesn’t get more “real” than that!

What we hope to achieve with this book?


All children battle with self-esteem at one time or another, but children with learning challenges question their self-worth on a constant basis. It is critical that these children understand the obstacles they face, but even more crucial that they understand that these obstacles are not insurmountable, and that they can find ways to overcome them if they believe in themselves.


Each of the fifty stories in this book proves the world-changing power of self-belief. None let their learning challenge(s) stand in the way of dreaming big, aspiring more, and reaching farther. May every reader be inspired and know that there is tremendous potential in each of you. When you believe in yourself, you have the ability to achieve things you once thought were impossible. “Learning challenged” or not, you can achieve goals and reach success however you come to define it. 


What do our marvelous readers say about the book?


5 Star Reviews!



A fascinating and amazing resource for parents of children with learning challenges. It is proof that even if you have various learning challenges, your child can succeed and live a very fulfilling life.

–– Nancy, mother of 2 boys age 10 and 7


Our family values kindness and empathy the most. My two daughters had the chance to learn more about these when reading this book. Not only do they see themselves as Zander’s friend, both are inspired by the interesting characters Zander visited in the book.

–– Charles, father of 2 girls age 10 and 6



The interweaving story of Zander keeps even my 4-year-old daughter engaged and we’ve learned so much about the featured personalities. Teaching our daughter to have empathy for others is paramount to our family and we value the book’s inclusive messages, gaining new understanding of learning challenges. I think this book will help reduce stigma around learning challenges for the next generation.

–– Nicole, mother of 4-year-old girl


Give a gift they’ll treasure forever!

Quality Built to Last

Hardcover with premium quality paper. It is a treasure your child will cherish to adulthood!

 Inspiration to Dream

Inspire children with learning challenges to believe in themselves to achieve goals however they define them!


Instill Kindness & Empathy

Breed acceptance through understanding learning challenges!


 Your purchase will make a difference to kids!


By holding this book in your hands, it is a significant step closer towards the setup of community enhancement learning centers for children with learning challenges in Asia, where this issue remains stigmatized. When such children’s learning is customized to the way they learn best, these children are much more likely to overcome their challenges.


Thank you for being a part of these hopes, and for making a difference!